Please  contact me regarding teaching and studio inquiries.

As a part of the “Festival of Contemporary Machine Stitch 2018” at the Embroiderers’ Guild of NSW, I will be teaching the following Machine Embroidery Classes:

12th October 2018 “The Art of Reticule

Reticules were also known as “Indispensables” during the Regency period of fashion. The aim of this workshop is to explore a variety of machine embroidery techniques to create a fabric that will be used to make a small bag to hold your indispensables such as glasses, phone, small purse etc.

Simple pattern shapes will be provided together with ideas for creating your own design. A simple or abstract design will be designed within the pattern shape which will be transferred onto the fabric for stitching.

Surface stitchery techniques such as creating texture with stitches, collage, raw edge applique and machine made cords will be demonstrated on the sewing machine. We will also explore the use of a variety of water soluble products that can be used for transferring designs and lace work.

27th and 28th October 2018 “Edgy Delicacies

Free Machine Embroidery will be used to explore making lace based on designs and styles used in traditional lacemaking. A variety of different techniques such as motifs, cutwork, Battenberg lace and stitching on net or water soluble fabrics, will be demonstrated and you can decide whether to create samples for future reference or whether to create a lace edging for a scarf. 

Some border designs will be available for you to trace or you can work on your own designs.

20th October 2018 I will be demonstrating lace machine embroidery at the guild.


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